Monday, January 19, 2009

So, my work environment is kind of like junior high, and I am the new kid.  I overheard two guys whispering and giggling about these free lint brushes we got from some provider, and how I really needed one, because of my apparent dog hair issue.  It wasn't very nice, or mature, but it did get me thinking that I could really put a bit more effort into my work appearance.

Yesterday I washed all my work pants and cardigans.  I took time to steam them, iron them, and hem them as needed.  It took a really long time, and was really tedious.  I even used two different types of lint brushes to ensure every single hair, feather, whatever was gone.

This morning I was looking pretty sharp, I thought.  There was a lot of snow on the way to the bus stop that reached well up onto my pant legs, but I brushed it off, and all seemed fine and dandy.

I finally got to Riverside Station after many T delays.  I noticed they had sanded instead of salted, and the platform and the stairs were a huge sloshy mess.  I was very concerned with getting the muddiness on the hems of my freshly perfected pants, so I was walking very carefully to the stairs.

But then, you guessed it, I fell anyway.  My feet went right out from under me, and I fell right on my ass, right down the stairs, in all the muddy messy puddles.  I got the wet, sandy, dirt/snow mixture all the way from my rear end to my feet, and was soaked through all three pairs of pants I had on.

So today I am dog hair free, but covered in mud.  My juvenile co-workers are not impressed. 

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