Did you know snot can freeze inside your nose? It can.
My suit of armor consists of:
Thick cotton knee-high socks, three pairs minimum
Cotton leggings, two pairs minimum
Work pants
Tank top, two minimum
Work shirt
Gloves, two pairs minimum (Have you ever had to wear two pairs of gloves at once? Not fun.)
Winter boots
Ear band thing or ear muffs, might have to wear both at the same time tomorrow
That is what I wore today. All of it. At once.
At home, I wear two pairs of knee highs, one pair of leggings, flannel pj bottoms, tank top, long sleeved long john type shirt, flannel pj tops, and I am still freezing.
Because THIS is what my apartment feels like:
I have central heat. You can see in the photo the top shows that I have it set at 75 degrees. You can see at the bottom that despite the fact that I have it set at 75, it is only 56 degrees in here.
Note that I also have two space heaters on, plus a wall heater, plus a traveling portable heater (Mogwai).
What kind of madness is this?
Oh man I bet you cant wait until you become immune to the cold. Its not soo bad after a while.