Yes, ok, having an MX5 in Massachusetts is stupid. Yes, people warned me about this. But when I first moved here, they told me there was no way to get to the office on public transportation, so I had to bring it with me. Then, of course, I discovered we have drivers. And now I have this 2,000 pound dead weight in my life.
I paid to park in a private parking space, $100 a month. The space is owned by a Masshole. He digs out everyone else's cars, and piles the snow on my car. I guess he thinks it is amusing, as he loves to watch me dig it out from his window, with his hot coffee in hand.
Today it took me SIX HOURS to get the car out. Six. It involved spending six hours outside in 20 degree weather, $50, a tow truck driver, tears, calls to my mommy, frostbite, blood, and a pair of men's cargo shorts, but I am OUT.
You think I'm kidding? That is just one of my bloody blisters.
I was paid up through today, and I refuse to give this man any more of my money, so I had no choice but to spend all effing day digging.
AND when I called the tow truck driver, he didn't even help me get out, he just gave me a jump, chuckled, said good luck, and drove off.
Every bone in my body hurts, I have a migraine, and I hate the world. I hope that man's penis gets bitten off in a freak escaped panther incident.
OH, but I did help Karma along a little, and now all that snow, every last bit of it, is now resting in HIS parking space. He can't park today, so he will have a really nice shock when he tries. He will have to shovel it all out. And no, I don't feel bad. What I feel bad about is that he felt it was ok to pile it all on my car in the first place.
I am screaming. Right now. Screaming. You guys might be able to hear me there in Texas it is so loud.
And this is what Mogs did while I died inside:
So cute.
OMG!! I know how hard getting that car out was-after helping you last time! WHEW!! Well, your mommy will always be here to dry your tears and give good advice! NOW-you never have to do that again-doesn't that feel good? Take some Tylenol and a hot bath (while sipping hot chocolate) and get in there with Mogs! When the going gets tough-the tough get going, then take a big fat nap!!