Sunday, April 26, 2009

Air Conditioner Obsession OVER

So M & S gave me their old air conditioner on layaway until the next time I get paid. It is actually already really hot in my apartment. The thermostat is around 80 and not budging. That is really, really warm to a Texan inside her own apartment.

I got the air conditioner in, hiding the view from Meg because my apartment is a biohazard right now. It was really easy to put it in the window, and get it all sorted out.

But something VERY unexpected happened....Mogwai fell in love with it.

When I got home after the warm day yesterday, she was in full-on panting mode, she was really hot from being cooped up all day in my oven house.

This is her, looking so happy, once I turned it on:

She was thinking, WOW, mom can read my mind! This is exactly what I needed!

But the problem is, she refuses to leave it! The following photos were taken between yesterday and right now. She literally has only moved to get water, then she gets right back up.

She won't even lay on the sofa with me to watch TV, like normal. She has completely abandoned me for a machine!

Still no movement! She is alive, but just will not leave it.

I have truly never seen anything like this with her before. She has never found a spot and refused to move.

Even right now, she is in front of it. I have a feeling she will be there until the end of time.

So thank you M & S for helping Mogwai find her one true love, and for calming my brain down. Only problem I think I need a second one for the living room!

Will this ever end?!?

Vachement Bien!

Yesterday was amazing. Meg took me to the South End to explore, and have fantastic food and fun.

The whole area is beautiful, old brownstone buildings with wrought iron banisters, old alley ways, and gorgeous trees just starting to turn pink with flowers.

Red door/blue door rivalry:

Trees in bloom everywhere:

An alley that looked to perfect not to take a photo:

We ate at The Butcher Shop, which is a restaurant owned by Barbara Lynch (home of the 16$ hot dog!). Food was amazing, salad, cheese plate, bread and honey. Bread and honey sounds simple, but this was perhaps one of the best things I have ever eaten. See the aftermath below:

Boston looks a lot like NYC when it gets warm -- people everywhere. Everywhere. Dogs, kids, bicycles, skateboards, just great energy all over the place:

More flowers in Brookline:

And two more....first, Marriott Copley. Need I say more?

Second, weiners.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Secret Photos.

There are two people that I want to get photos of, for all of you to see.

1. The Rascal. Need I say more?

2. Scratch off guy.

My house is the last on the street, the only thing closer to the corner is a little market. There is a very odd man who goes into the store, buys a bunch of scratch off tickets, and walks in front of my house to scratch them off. He huddles over the city garbage can, and scratches furiously. I am not talking about one ticket, I am talking about tens and tens and tens of tickets at a time.

It is really bizarre, because he is trying desperately to hide his scratching. When I walk by, he sort of perks his head up, and covers up the tickets, and tries to look around and act casual.

There isn't anything casual about a guy hanging out, staring into the garbage can.

He scratches and scratches, and goes back in for more. And hides behind the building at the trash can, and scratches more and more.

Sometimes I miss him, but I see the aftermath. He never puts the tickets into the trash can, he leaves them on the ledge. Why does he do that?

He tries to hide the act, so why not hide the evidence also?

I don't think he ever wins. I wonder if you can be addicted to scratch offs.

Or to a Rascal.

Thank you for dying, Jesus!

Because I got some tasty food out of it, and even better fun.

In case you haven't figured it out, Meg is an amazing cook. Look at this feast she prepared for us!

Green beans, mushrooms, and almonds. Turns out I love green beans.

Deviled eggs, that ladies aren't supposed to eat (but we did, and we loved every minute). One had smoked salmon, one all kinds of tasty herbs, both = happiness.

This was the sacrificial lamb, covered in the marinade before cooking. It was stuffed with chorizo stuffing. Somehow I missed the potatoes! Those were fantastic, smokey potatoes. I am sorry, poor potatoes.

This is what it looked like after being cooked and cut. You can see the stuffing in the middle

This is what it all looked like together, before entering my belly.

Isn't that beautiful?

And last but not least, the cake. 2nd best dessert I have ever had, the first, of course, being the bleu cheese souffle.

First Easter in Boston was amazing. Lots of wine, lots of laughs, food coma, and a bite of lamb for Mogwai. Life is good!