Sunday, April 26, 2009

Vachement Bien!

Yesterday was amazing. Meg took me to the South End to explore, and have fantastic food and fun.

The whole area is beautiful, old brownstone buildings with wrought iron banisters, old alley ways, and gorgeous trees just starting to turn pink with flowers.

Red door/blue door rivalry:

Trees in bloom everywhere:

An alley that looked to perfect not to take a photo:

We ate at The Butcher Shop, which is a restaurant owned by Barbara Lynch (home of the 16$ hot dog!). Food was amazing, salad, cheese plate, bread and honey. Bread and honey sounds simple, but this was perhaps one of the best things I have ever eaten. See the aftermath below:

Boston looks a lot like NYC when it gets warm -- people everywhere. Everywhere. Dogs, kids, bicycles, skateboards, just great energy all over the place:

More flowers in Brookline:

And two more....first, Marriott Copley. Need I say more?

Second, weiners.

1 comment:

  1. So I take it you are deciding that maybe Boston isnt so bad? Ive learned that the winter just makes me enjoy how beautiful Michigan is in the summer.
