The whole area is beautiful, old brownstone buildings with wrought iron banisters, old alley ways, and gorgeous trees just starting to turn pink with flowers.
Red door/blue door rivalry:
Trees in bloom everywhere:
An alley that looked to perfect not to take a photo:
We ate at The Butcher Shop, which is a restaurant owned by Barbara Lynch (home of the 16$ hot dog!). Food was amazing, salad, cheese plate, bread and honey. Bread and honey sounds simple, but this was perhaps one of the best things I have ever eaten. See the aftermath below:
Boston looks a lot like NYC when it gets warm -- people everywhere. Everywhere. Dogs, kids, bicycles, skateboards, just great energy all over the place:
More flowers in Brookline:
And two more....first, Marriott Copley. Need I say more?
Second, weiners.
So I take it you are deciding that maybe Boston isnt so bad? Ive learned that the winter just makes me enjoy how beautiful Michigan is in the summer.