I got the air conditioner in, hiding the view from Meg because my apartment is a biohazard right now. It was really easy to put it in the window, and get it all sorted out.
But something VERY unexpected happened....Mogwai fell in love with it.
When I got home after the warm day yesterday, she was in full-on panting mode, she was really hot from being cooped up all day in my oven house.
This is her, looking so happy, once I turned it on:
She was thinking, WOW, mom can read my mind! This is exactly what I needed!
But the problem is, she refuses to leave it! The following photos were taken between yesterday and right now. She literally has only moved to get water, then she gets right back up.
She won't even lay on the sofa with me to watch TV, like normal. She has completely abandoned me for a machine!
Still no movement! She is alive, but just will not leave it.
I have truly never seen anything like this with her before. She has never found a spot and refused to move.
Even right now, she is in front of it. I have a feeling she will be there until the end of time.
So thank you M & S for helping Mogwai find her one true love, and for calming my brain down. Only problem is....now I think I need a second one for the living room!
Will this ever end?!?