Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mogwai Swimming in Snow

I know you aren't supposed to laugh at your kids, but this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Mogwai is a dwarf, and she can't quite handle the levels of snow we have gotten!

This one shows it better, but it contains her peeing. If you can't handle a dog peeing, don't watch, but it is just really funny (and kind of Blair-Witch-y with the camera work, sorry!).

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!! Yay!!

I skipped work today, logistic issues. But it turned out it was a wise decision, because the office closed anyhow, so now I don't lose any time. All the schools were closed, state offices closed, and a snow emergency was declared. Don't know if the buses are running at this point.

So now here is a three part photo series, called, Don't Park Your Car on the Even Side of the Street During a Snow Emergency in Somerville, Bitches.

Cause Somerville, they don't mess around!

Watching out my window today has been quite entertaining. First the cop came, blaring lights and sirens:

Then quick like a bunny, the tow truck comes:

Buh bye:

Fun times. Good thing I bought a parking space yesterday. I walked to Target in this madness, down a very busy street, and saw at least 10 - 15 people coming out of stores, looking confused, saying out loud, "Where is my car?" And warning other people to move their cars.

Have you ever seen a frozen newspaper before?

Here is a quick video of the snow, don't know how well you can see it. It is coming down at two inches an hour, very quick. This is my first real snowstorm, since I was a kid up north. So I am very delighted, although I am probably the only one who is!

This is how Mogwai weathers the storm, in bed, with her head on my pillow. So sweet!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So get this…Friday, I have to go to the doctor, so I was going to take a half day at work.

Because it is a half day, I would have to drive.

It is going to snow 10 inches on Friday, so I can't drive.

The shuttle won't take me to the train station halfway through the day, so I can't take the train.

So I can't drive, and can't take the train, so I have to take the whole day off, just because I am stupid!  I bet they are going to think, "That dumb girl from Texas, every time it snows, she takes off work!"

AND it gets even worse.

If it snows, you can only park on the odd side of the street.  So, Friday, when we are expecting massive snow, I can only park on the odd side.  If I park on the even side, I will get towed.

BUT Friday is street sweeping day on the odd side.  So, if I park on the odd side, which is required for snow days, I will get towed, because it is a street sweeping day!

So I can't park ANYWHERE Friday.

I just rented a parking space for $100 a month.  I don't HAVE $100 a month!

If I could get RID of this car, I would have $365 extra every month (car payment) and $75 extra every month (car insurance) and $100 extra every month (parking space).

So basically I am going to park my car in this space today, and not be able to drive it again until MAY, during which time I will have spent $2700 on a car I can't even use.  The driveway isn't plowed, so I won't even be able to get it out, not even an option to use my car.

Now do you see why I am going insane?

Things I really need, and for the most part didn't know existed:

*A waterproof, hooded, knee-length parka.

*Leather boots for Mogwai. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, did you know that the salt used on the sidewalks will chap and crack the pads of her feet? Sounds painful.

*Wool socks.

*Functional gloves with fingers, impossible to find such a thing

*Footless tights for under my pants and leggings. Yep, I need three layers. Two is proving not enough.

*A driveway, or place to store my car. Can you store a car at a Public Storage place?

*Snow shovel and snow broom.

*Snow plow.

*Cell phone that works under ground.


*A cloche hat.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another Photo Dump

Meg and I went on an adventure to New Hampshire to break the law by buying alcohol and cigarettes and avoiding the Mass state tax. Don't tell on us!

As soon as you cross the border into NH, they have these State-run liquor stores. Liquor is cheaper at these stores than in Mexico -- a gallon of Bacardi for $19!

And cigarettes were $42 a carton, which is pretty much exactly the same as Dallas prices. So, for just a tiny bit of gas (it is about an hour away), you can save $30 on a carton. I am doing this every payday!

Those are the lights at City Hall, just wanted to take a photo, so pretty! It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Here is a really short video of the snow falling on my car, it is snowing today!! Thankfully I am parked on the odd side of the street, so if they decide to declare a "snow emergency" I won't get towed...or will I? Still haven't paid that parking ticket!

So it is snowing, and this is the temp in my house, my heat is out. Yahoo! No heat, snowing outside. Thankfully the landlord fixed it. He is a really nice guy, met him today for the first time. Can you see the red stuck at 55? That was an HOUR after I started up the space heaters I had to frantically buy at Target. Which meant driving in the snow, for the first time ever.

But I got to wear my new snow boots, which was really fun.

But then I blew the fuses with my new space heaters, and had no power.

So, no heat, no power, snowing -- fun times!